Membership at a Glance

Our members are a diverse group of people. We are proud to offer an experience that benefits and includes so many different people from the region.

Our youngest member is 16 years old, and our oldest member is 22 years old. The average member age is 18.7 years old.

50% of our members are new this season. 29% of our members are 1-year vets. 21% of our members have marched 2 or more years with the ensemble.

59% of our members are in college. 29% of our members are in high school. 12% of our members are not enrolled in school and/or have already entered the work force.

Our members come from 4 different states. They represent 9 different universities, and 23 different high schools.

Our collegiate members are preparing for a wide variety of careers including Music, Biology/Pre-Med, Civil Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, English, Business, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Music Composition, Percussion Performance, Music Education, and Sound Engineering.

47% of our members have a part-time job, 41% of our members do not have a job, and 12% work full-time.

Click the button below to meet the individual members.