Meet the Members
Seth Garcia, Tenors
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I have a brother who is exactly 20 years younger than me.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The thing I enjoy most about RIP are the connections and family that come from it. I also truly believe in the mission statement of spreading the love of the arts in our region.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: You'll never find a better place to grow and become a better person and musician.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." - Aristotle
Brett Miller, Snare
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I can solve a Rubik's cube in under 20 seconds.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I enjoy the friendships and connections I make with other members here, as well as how much I can learn throughout the season.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: The members and staff here are committed to putting on a great show down to every detail, so all the time spent rehearsing is well worth it.
Brayden Colvin, Marimba
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I am returning to Resistance because of the members. All of my closest friends either have marched Resistance are will for the first time this season.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: The group is about improving the members and the area surrounding. Our whole goal is to build the marching arts in Oklahoma and it's surrounding areas.
Jonathan Potter, Cymbals
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I like to whittle and paint in my sparce free time.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I love that I've been given the opportunity to grow my musical skills on such a large scale while being a member of a world class ensemble.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: Anyone can do it with enough dedication.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "The best friends in life are the ones you don't choose."
Thomas Hamilton, Bass Drum
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I can play every instrument except double reeds.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The community and friends that you make while producing something you all love. The jokes made when we’re all tired are also definitely worth it.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: Resistance is a great way to get more involved in the activity, whether that be marching or educating locally. The members and the staff are both excited to share their knowledge.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “Word of the day: Thuganomics, and maniacal.”
Steve Abochale, Bass Drum
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I was a high school swim state champion!
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I enjoy the drive to improve and the environment that allows us to get better.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "For the plot" -Gandhi
Carson Petty, Tenors
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I ride an electric scooter to and from school.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The community—both current and past members as well as a great staff.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: Resistance has helped shape many successful people for both drum corps and as educators.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “The ideal PBJ ratio is 60% peanut butter and 40% jelly”
Noah Williams, Marimba
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I spent the last two summers with the Blue Stars Drum and Bugle Corps.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The community; it’s unparalleled.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: Screwing up isn’t that deep. If you can learn from your mistakes and keep on improving, you’re qualified to be here.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “Embrace the suck.” - Mason Rhue
Jeremiah Hocker, Snare
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: Other than music, I am an extreme theme park nerd!
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The collective love for music! The percussion culture is small in this area, so keeping it alive is something I always look forward to every weekend!
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: It's a growing community that is always a safe place for anyone who needs it!
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "Be like a sponge. Absorb every ounce of information like your life depends on it."
Elli Payne, Visual Ensemble
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I love fish. All fish, alive or cooked.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: It is an amazing experience for me, I never had the opportunity to do much in my high school band outside of our concerts, and being a part of this ensemble helped me grow a lot, not only as a musician but also as a person. There are so many great people here and I have such an amazing time!
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: It's a great experience, and I think anyone who is interested should give it a try
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "I need my teething waffle."
Caris Fore, Vibraphone
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: 100% the community. The people at Resistance have become my best friends.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: Marching Resistance gives you so many opportunities between performing opportunities, networking, and the chance to further both your education AND career.
Joshua Weeks, Snare
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I work in construction full time.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The people both members and staff are amazing and like family to me.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: The education here is top tier.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "Dude stop drumming on that poor things eyeballs."
Aiden Carrera, Marimba
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I make music with my dad.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The members/friends I've made here.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: The memories you make with your fellow members here is worth it.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard."
Andrew Lojano, Visual Ensemble
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I was born in New York.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I like performing.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: It’s more than just performing and a show.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "When you've reached rock bottom, there's only one way to go, and that's up!"
Ava Burkett, Synth
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I am a published poet!
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: After graduating from high school, I was set on the idea that my music career had ended, and it was time to focus on college. However, I almost immediately felt the heavy absence that music performance left behind - until I had the opportunity to join Resistance. Being a part of such a close group of spectacular players and performers is something very rare, and something I am not ready to leave behind; I am unfathomably grateful for the opportunity to perform with Resistance Indoor percussion.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: As an independent percussion group, it is incredibly different from scholastic groups, in the best way.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "Let it happen."
Justyn Paul, Bass Drum
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I’ve had 13 jobs (in a good way, I haven’t gotten fired from any of them).
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: All the friendly people!! I wanted to showcase my well rounded abilities.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: It feels like a family from the second you walk in.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.”
Vencen Rinker, Snare
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I'm pretty decent at guitar and 8 Ball Pool.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The Members and Staff. So many great and encouraging personalities across the organization and everybody wants each other to succeed even when it's hard.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
Johnpaul Nguyen, Marimba
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I'm like, really blind.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I enjoy the friends and bonds I get to make while doing Resistance.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: The community here is great.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “It is the light in the lantern which shows you the path, not the lantern.”
Aubrey Turner, Cymbals
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I’m very interested in composition and like to write music as a hobby!
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I love the ability Resistance provides to visually and musically tell a story. To be a part this ensemble feels like to be a part of something bigger than yourself, and I’m beyond stoked to take part of it.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: Resistance is the BEST.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I am a student at the University of Arkansas. After graduating with my BA in Music, I would like to pursue music as a career.
Rylan Goss, Tenors
Allison Young, Vibraphone
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: In my spare time, I'm a vocalist and a flautist!
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: Resistance definitely feels like my home away from home! I love the people that I get to perform with and the staff that I get to learn from. There's nothing quite like the feeling of growing and performing with some of your closest friends; it's incredibly special.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: For me, it's been so much more than just a group I rehearse with on the weekends. It's given me some of my closest friends and access to some of the best educators around.
Damian Hernandez, Tenors
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I am the only person on the planet that gets to play The Cowbell in the OU Marching Band.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The positive push from the staff that reminds us that there is still work to do, but in a motivational and constructive manner. I am here because I have always wanted to march WGI and perform for thousands of people somewhere other than DCI before I age out.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: That the commitment is possible even with school, and that the fees are affordable compared to a lot of indoor groups.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: "I see the vision."
Tanner Schwarz, Snare
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I am a twin.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I love the community and the hard working mindset. Everyone here is working to get better always.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: The staff is amazing and all of the members are great.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “Tap space snares!”
Corbin Kraus, Bass Drum
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I’m named after Bruce Willis’s character in The Fifth Element.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The community.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: It’s an amazing experience.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “Do not let other people’s words bring you down. If you are really passionate in what you are doing, keep pushing forward to achieve your dreams.”
Brayden Kelly, Vibraphone
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I'm really good at Rocket League.
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: I enjoy talking to everybody here. I'm here because I enjoy percussion.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!
A: “Under the right circumstances I will judge a book by its cover.”
Austin Butler, Drumset
Q: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
A: I make rap and hip hop music!
Q: What do you love most about being part of RIP?
A: The members/community, there’s nothing like spending time with people that share your passion.
Q: What's one thing you'd like others to know about Resistance?
A: It’s home for many people who didn’t previously have one, this is where my family is.
Q: Give us a quotable quote!